Even though you may have applicable experience, we value your participation so that everyone that volunteers at one of our BLDP Screening Events (SE) hears the same information presented in the same way.
At the Training Session we will describe/explain our Screening Event procedures and protocols concerning the following topics:
- Intake
- Welcoming
- Explanation of procedures to participants
- Registration
- Informed Consent Form
- At-Risk Assessment
- Explanation
- Administering the assessment
- Evaluating the assessment
- A1C Screening
- Welcoming
- Explanation of procedures to participants
- Protocols and practice for administrating the A1C screening
- Equipment/supplies needed
- Setting up the site
- Finger stick procedures
- Using the A1C kit devices
- Blood collector
- Mixing tube
- Analyzer and receiving tab
- Time frame
- Disposal of all supplies
- Reporting results to participant
- Recording results for participant
- Recording results for BLDP records
- Follow up procedures
- Record keeping
Other topics to be covered are:
- Resource Table materials
- DSMES and DPP referrals
- 30- and 90-day follow-up procedures
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Personal Health Information procedures
- Personal Protection Procedures
We will strive to answer all your questions and assure your ability to conduct all procedures.